Thanks, very interesting and thought provoking. One quibble. Given how much instability the West has caused in Africa and the Middle East, I think the West has a duty to take in refugees including economic and climate refugees from Africa and the Middle East.

And the US has a duty to take in migrants from Latin America. Of course it would be even better if the US stops destabilising Latin American countries and work with China to bring economic growth to L America, Africa and the rest of the Global South.

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Much appreciated and agreed to! Instability includes wars and interventions and the asylumseekers/refugees caused by that is one more argument. Also, let's not forget centuries of economic exploitation. However, the West/EU has administered itself so badly that in spite of that, it is in deepening economic crisis - and won't even be able to pay for the reconstruction of Ukraine...

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Orban is brilliant. Thank you for sharing his speech.

Peter Anderson

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