Jun 17, 2023·edited Jun 17, 2023

"Peace" is the worst framing word to achieve the sustainable balance of human freedom and security on this troubled planet. Conservatives believe peace is a function of strength. Progressives believe it is a function of disarmament. Peace at the expense of human freedoms or a nation's submission to a more powerful nation is insanity. What's needed is global justice protecting human freedom and security. Not national sovereignty...which is the current global governance system of 'international law' that is only wishful thinking....with zero capacity for effective enforcement without doing greater damage to people and the environment due to sanctions. Our only hope besides AI gaining wisdom where we have not, and holding people and government accountable for violating the Laws of Nature and Nature's God" ...is 'we the world's people' coming together and demanding that our governments fund and achieve the 17 Sustainable Development Goals ASAP. This is the only existing plan that attempts to undermine the primary drivers of violence, greater threats like pandemics and environmental destruction. If the progressive movements (Peace, Environment, and Economic/Social Justice) fail to unite to achieve these goals...continue prepping for WWIII, or IV....depending on how you have been counting them!

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