📌 TFF PressInfo # 739: NATO countries - also the Nordic - quietly preparing to send troops into Ukraine!
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Lund, Sweden - April 11, 2024
Dear friend,
TFF is your independent go-to think tank for the UN Charter norm that “peace shall be established by peaceful means.” All UN members have committed themselves to that, but with a few exceptions, they violate it 24/7.
NATO is desperate to cover up its Himalayan mistakes of a) expanding NATO instead of creating a common European security and peace system that would have permitted us all to live in prosperity and peace today; and b) stupidly including Ukraine in that expansion - with only a small minority of Ukrainians wanting NATO membership for their country at the time. Ukrainian and NATO elites couldn’t care less about people’s opinion - as is also well known for, e.g. Sweden's membership process.
One of the most hawkish Western strategists, Edward Luttwak, has recently argued that NATO troops must now get involved on the ground in Ukraine lest suffering a catastrophic defeat. He writes: “The British and French, along with the Nordic countries, are already quietly preparing to send troops — both small elite units and logistics and support personnel — who can remain far from the front.”
You do not have to be an expert in strategy, warfare and NATO’s already manifested Ukraine catastrophe to predict that they will be sucked in step-by-step when Ukraine gets weaker, move closer and closer to fight Russian forces and be reinforced when necessary. Once in, NATO won’t get out without fighting.
French President Macron has aired the idea. The US Secretary of “Defence,” Austin, has stated that it will be necessary to prevent Russia from taking all of Ukraine (!) and continuing to swallow other countries (!) The Swedish Chief of Defence - a cool fear-monger vis-a-vis the Swedish people - has said that he does not exclude an isolated Russian attack on Southern Sweden (No, it wasn't an April Fool's joke).
Well, this is all possible because NATO has violated its own defensive UN-like Treaty for the last 25 years when it began its operation outside its own member states and bombed Yugoslavia. Only fools, complete top-down managed media people and cynic propagandists still call NATO ‘defensive’…
Finally, for those of our readers who live in the Nordic NATO countries, please observe that Luttwak specifically mentions the UK, France, and the Nordic countries as spearheading NATO’s coming warfare in Ukraine. Some of us are not surprised - these countries are now among the most militaristic in Europe and eager to prove their greater loyalty to Washington and Brussels than to their own citizens and their peace and security.
Be this as tragic and self-destructive as it may, this militarist kakistocracy will not survive for long.
Here is a bouquet of must-read articles from TFF - also listing those that document what was just said:
The West’s Coming Fall and the Rise of the New Multipolar World in 7 Minutes
Russia is not a threat to NATO or neutral states. Full stop.
U.S. War Secretary Austin just – “frankly” – outlined the road to full-scale NATO-Russia war
Fredsforskare om Sveriges stöd till Ukraina: ”Kommer gå åt helvete”
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Jan Oberg
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