Danish militarism needs no diplomacy: Throws out 10 more Russians at Russia's embassy
One more contribution - after the F16s - towards hatred and war
Jan Oberg
Here is the article at the state public service media Denmark Broadcasting/Danmarks Radio (DR) about the case with a video interview with Foreign Minister Lars Løkke Rasmussen. Run through it, and you will better understand my - slightly sarcastic - comment:
The foreign minister insist that there can be only 5 Russians at the embassy in Copenhagen - in parity with the five Denmark have in Moscow. He maintains that Russia has presented strange proposals about getting “undeclared agents” stationed in Copenhagen. When asked how Denmark knows that they are agents, his answer is: “We know it because we know it.” (“Hvordan ved I, der er tale om udeklarerede agenter? - Det ved vi, fordi vi ved det.”)
Well, it is so understandable: Another step towards a long - or major - war, which Denmark, on the orders of the US, written on PM Mette Frederiksen's A4 paper, is working so systematically on.
1) One must assume that Løkke & Co. have ensured that there are no "agents" at any other embassy;
2) With the policy Denmark pursues, which is all about pure war information in black and white, armament and war promotion (latest 19 F16s) - but never about negotiations and future peace (it requires too much intellect) - there is no need for diplomatic channels. So five diplomats is indeed very generous in this situation.
As usual, the Danish Broadcasting documents its role as His Master's Voice by using Niels Fastrup as a truth witness.
Only fools believe that Russia will return to Europe for generations to come. Only immoral people use Ukraine to win over Russia.
So thank you to the USA/NATO for its headless expansion, contrary to all promises not to expand NATO "one inch" and contrary to common sense and the possibility of cooperation and common security.
The government continues to wage war at all levels in the service of the USA - not the Danes.
God knows when the Danes will wake up to reality. But it's true - it's not easy with the massive, self-righteous war propaganda that Danish mainstream media, not least the state-run DR, fills people with 24/7.
And when hatred of Russia and Russians is the big - and only - issue that Danes can feel united around.